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Hand Tied Bouquet – Designer’s Choice


The Designer’s Choice bouquet is our most popular option, as it allows our experienced floral designers to create one of a kind, artful arrangements using the freshest blooms in stock. Our flower bouquets are hand tied and come wrapped with an aqua pack. Looking for something particular such as a special occasion or favourite colour? Leave us a comment while placing your order and we’ll do our best to fulfill your flower arrangement request. Pairs perfectly with a box of our callebaut chocolates.

Please note that final product will not be exactly as shown, and the product images do not reflect the bouquet size options.

Flower delivery is available to Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Nanaimo, and everywhere in between, or pick up your flower arrangement at our Parksville storefront.



The Designer’s Choice bouquet is our most popular option, as it allows our experienced floral designers to create one of a kind, artful arrangements using the freshest blooms in stock. Our flower bouquets are hand tied and come wrapped with an aqua pack. Looking for something particular such as a special occasion or favourite colour? Leave us a comment while placing your order and we’ll do our best to fulfill your flower arrangement request. Pairs perfectly with a box of our callebaut chocolates.

Please note that final product will not be exactly as shown, and the product images do not reflect the bouquet size options.

Flower delivery is available to Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Nanaimo, and everywhere in between, or pick up your flower arrangement at our Parksville storefront.



Additional information


Large, Medium, Small

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