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Mother’s Day Flower Bouquet


Celebrate Mother’s Day with a stunning bouquet of fresh, vibrant flowers carefully hand-picked to convey love and appreciation. Petal + Kettle’s beautiful assortment includes a variety of fresh seasonal flowers and greenery in a bright, colourful palette, wrapped in an aqua pack. Every bloom is a symbol of gratitude and admiration for the special mother figure in your life. Each bouquet is uniquely tailored, ensuring a one-of-a-kind creation that may differ from the photo.

Flower delivery is available to Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Nanaimo, and everywhere in between, or pick up your flower arrangement at our Parksville storefront.

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Celebrate Mother’s Day with a stunning bouquet of fresh, vibrant flowers carefully hand-picked to convey love and appreciation. Petal + Kettle’s beautiful assortment includes a variety of fresh seasonal flowers and greenery in a bright, colourful palette, wrapped in an aqua pack. Every bloom is a symbol of gratitude and admiration for the special mother figure in your life. Each bouquet is uniquely tailored, ensuring a one-of-a-kind creation that may differ from the photo.

Flower delivery is available to Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Nanaimo, and everywhere in between, or pick up your flower arrangement at our Parksville storefront.

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Large, Medium, Small