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Valentine’s Day Rose Vase Arrangement


Show your love this Valentine’s Day with a breathtaking arrangement of premium roses, thoughtfully designed in a timeless vase complemented with lush greenery and accent flowers. Colours may range from red, blush, purple, white, peach, pink or combination. Each arrangement is hand crafted with care, making it truly one of a kind, and may differ from the photos.

For special colour requests leave us a note and we will do our best to accommodate.



Show your love this Valentine’s Day with a breathtaking arrangement of premium roses, thoughtfully designed in a timeless vase complemented with lush greenery and accent flowers. Colours may range from red, blush, purple, white, peach, pink or combination. Each arrangement is hand crafted with care, making it truly one of a kind, and may differ from the photos.

Main image shown is of 24 roses.

Valentine’s Day flower delivery is available to Parksville, Qualicum Beach,  Lantzville, and Coombs.

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6 roses, 12 roses, 24 roses